Are you passionate about the work of SCM? Do you want an opportunity to develop your skills?
Stand for election to General Council!
As a student-led movement, the views of our members are at the heart of everything that we do.
That's why General Council, the decision making body of the movement, is made up of students and recent graduates. At the Annual General Meeting this April, members will have the opportunity to elect new representatives to General Council. Could that be you?
What is General Council?
General Council is the group that makes sure that all of the different parts of the movement fit together, representing the members of SCM and shaping the future of SCM’s work. Some members of General Council have portfolios, which correspond with aspects of SCM’s work or represent people within the movement, and some members of General Council are also the trustees of SCM. Members of General Council are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, and serve for a two year term.
Being on General Council provides lots of opportunities to develop and learn new skills. You’ll learn about what's involved in running a small charity, how to work as part of a team and a whole host of practical skills like budgeting and project planning. Lots of training and support is provided, and you'll work closely with the staff team to shape the future of the movement.
Who can stand for election?
To stand for election to General Council you must:
- Be a current member of SCM (therefore you must be a current student or have been a student in the last three years). You can find out more about membership here.
- Be committed to the values and objectives of SCM.
- Be able to commit to being a member of General Council for at least two years.
- Be able to attend General Council meetings, the Annual General Meeting and any training sessions.
SCM can make any reasonable adjustments to enable you to be part of General Council, such as ensuring that venues for meetings are accessible, providing large print copies of meeting papers and facilitating involvement in meetings via video conferencing or telephone. If you have any access needs and wish to discuss these before you submit your nomination, please feel free to contact the office.
What is a portfolio? Which portfolio can I stand for?
Members of General Council can also hold portfolios which focus on an area of SCM's work (operational) or represent a group within the movement (representative). As a team, General Council use their portfolios to engage the movement in the things we are all passionate about. The best portfolio for you is one based on your interests and skills, and with the support of General Council and the staff team, you can take action on and engage the movement in.
There are some portfolios that the current General Council feel are essential to the movement. These include operational portfolios such as Convenor, Safeguarding, Finance, Members and Groups, and Movement magazine editor, as well as representative portfolios such as LGBTQ+ rep, GMH/BAME rep and Access and Inclusion (Disability and Neurodiversity). Other desirable operational portfolios include Events, International (Issues and Relationships), Social Justice, Ecumenism, Theology and Resources and Comms and Social Media, and representative portfolios such as International Students rep, Minority Denominations rep and Regional reps.
For 2024, we are particularly looking for people to fill the following portfolios:
- Convenor
- Comms and Social Media
- Finance
- GMH/BAME Students' Rep
- Access and Inclusion
I have some more questions!
We've put together a pack that includes more information about what it is like to be on GC, the role of trustees and portfolio holders, how the elections will work and some key dates for your diary. You can download a copy by clicking the button below.
How do I stand?
Nominations for the 2024 Elections have now closed. If you'd like to get involved in the work of General Council you can contact them via the office by email.