'How to be a good Christian Ally' is the first in a series of resources published as part of SCM's Affirming Christianity project.
The course is about being a better ally to and with LGBTQ+ people as Christians. It is for people who are affirming in their hearts and want to do more in action to live out that support.
We are grateful to have the partnership of OneBodyOneFaith on this resource; their track record of activism and support to the LGBTQ+ community is unparalleled and we are thankful for their wisdom.
Resource Contents
As well as an introduction to the series and a 'living glossary', inside you'll find three sessions:
Session One: Introduction
- Objectives and Principles
- Video - Living Glossary
- Bible Study - John 4:1-30
- Exercise - What is it like for LGBTQ+ people in church?
- Closing prayer
Session Two: The Role of an Ally
- Objectives and Principles
- Video - A conversation between a queer person and an ally
- Bible Study - Matthew 17: 1-13
- Exercise - Case Studies
- Closing Prayer
Session Three: What can we do?
- Objectives and Principles
- Video - Experiences of Allyship
- Bible Study - 1 Samuel 19: 1-17
- Exercise - Mapping our actions
- Closing Prayer
Order your resources!
Each participant will need a booklet to follow the material and make their own notes, and the videos can be streamed or downloaded to suit the location of the group.
To access the video content you will need a password - this will be emailed to you with confirmation of your order and included with your booklets.
Resource type:
Affirming Christianity
Resource theme:
Christian Faith
Gender and Sexuality
Marginalised Groups