Exploring Theology

My Favourite Theologian: Gustavo Gutiérrez

8 Sep 2015

Gustavo Gutiérrez (1928- )

Revd Chris Howson

Few theologians have shaped the course of history in the way that Gustavo Gutiérrez has. His life of service and dedication to the poor has inspired millions of people, from Venezuelan presidents and lowly...

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Jesus' Community: Part Two

8 Sep 2015

You can find Jesus' Community: Part One here.

Shortly afterwards in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus’ disciples say to him, ‘we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us’ (Mark 9.38). Jesus rebukes them claiming ‘whoever...

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Faith and Feminism

20 May 2015

I am a feminist.  I am also a Christian.  My feminism and Christianity have co-existed in isolation from each other, and if push came to shove I’m not sure which I would more closely identify with – being female or being a Christian.  Last week I had an opportunity to think about them together...

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Church Exchange - Part Two

25 Mar 2015

I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father.

John 17:20b-21a

Despite knowing each other for a good year or so, and even living together for a month, we had never made it through the doors of each other’s...

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Church Exchange - Part One

24 Mar 2015

I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father.

John 17:20b-21a

Despite knowing each other for a good year or so, and even living together for a month, we had never made it through the doors of each other’s...

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Misreading the parable of the talents

28 Aug 2014

There are few passages in the Bible that I feel more strongly about than the parable of the talents. This is partly because it is so often interpreted in a way that means it can be used to justify ideas that are contrary to Jesus’ teachings and to much of the Bible. I am convinced we have been...

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