Faith in Action

How my Faith Changed at University: Learning and Growing

4 May 2017

Before I came to the University of Exeter, I was terrified of being a Christian at university. I had heard horror stories about university being a festering pool of Godlessness! Within weeks of my first term, I found that to be woefully inaccurate: I suffered no persecution for my faith even...

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How My Faith Changed at University: Finding a Community of Faith and Action

4 May 2017

Before I started University I didn’t have any Christian friends. I was the youngest in my church by about 20 years- the youth groups had died out long before I got there. Although I never doubted my faith, by the time I finished school I was finding more use from my daily Bible readings than...

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Teach Peace Campaign: Essex Progressive Christians

4 May 2017

This year our society has been studying how to read the Bible, and especially how important it is to read it in light of our loving, non-violent Jesus. It was only natural that we would focus our campaigning on teaching peace as well. Faith requires action as well as words.

So, we asked...

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How my Faith Changed at University: Encountering the Love of God

25 Apr 2017

Living in the UK has been a completely new experience for me compared to back home in South Korea. I was brought up in a Christian family which means I went to church every week because I was told to. Without truly knowing why I was going to church, I started playing the piano in band and also...

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How my Faith Changed at University: Ecumenism and Diversity

19 Apr 2017

By Gemma King

Before starting university I was active in my local church, I was still a member of the youth group and had joined the church band the previous year.  I had little experience of other churches and ways of worshiping even within my own denomination. All this was to...

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No-one left behind, everyone respected : A reflection on Brexit

3 Apr 2017


I’ve recently been encouraging SCM students and members to try their hand at ‘Faith Reflection’. This is another name for Theological Reflection, which is a way of reflecting deeply on the world and our...

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Vocation: a Summons to Live and Love

21 Mar 2017

“What am I do to with my life?” This question is one that has agonised many a young (and not-so-young) person throughout the millenia of human civilisation, especially in times and personal circumstances where a significant degree of freedom in choosing how to live one's life is present.


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Reflections from the Rainbow picket line

12 Mar 2017

By Kenneth Wilkinson-Roberts

Much has been said about the General Synod’s decision to not take note of the Bishop’s report following the two year process of Shared Conversations on Human Sexuality. On all sides of the debate passionate pleas for acceptance have been made;...

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On refusing

9 Feb 2017

I was cautiously optimistic on Election Day here in California. I went to work in a ceremonial pantsuit, never having worn one before, and saw lots of others doing the same. Many more people mentioned it, and when they did, I felt warm. Pantsuit Nation was going to carry this thing. Watching the...

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Who Brings About Change?

6 Feb 2017

On 27 January I was lucky enough to participate in a meeting organised by Ruth Wilde from SCM for students from both the Methodist and Catholic societies to meet with Gisela Stuart MP to discuss the issue of food poverty.

It was initially a rather surreal experience to directly discuss...

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