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Rach's Diary - up, down, turned around and inside out

10 Feb 2017

Term started back in ernest last week...

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Rach's Diary - 300 Trains and Counting

27 Jan 2017
In previous years I've challenged myself to do things as part of a new years resolution. This year I haven't found the right challenge yet. It's a good job though that it wasn't to blog more - I know some of you struggled to keep up with all the blogging I did last term! But, we've reached the...
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Rach's Diary - first week back

10 Jan 2017

I've been back at work for a whole week after my Christmas break. It's been a full on first week, and I've spent much of it confused about which day of the week it is. 

Tuesday started in Birmingham which was usual, though this term I'll be doing Wednesdays in Birmingham on a regular...

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Rach's Diary - Christmas Parties

21 Dec 2016

So here we are, I've reached my last day with SCM in 2016. I have no idea where the last 4 months have gone. I do know that December had just 45 trains, 7 trams, 2 buses and 1 taxi. Taking my train total for these four months to 255!

It's been strange this year, for the past three years I...

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Rach's Diary - It's beginning to look a lot like advent

16 Dec 2016

The weekend before last I had 3 blogs published in 4 days. I therefore thought you might have read enough from me for a while so have waited 9 whole days before writing another one. This does mean I have almost two weeks of adventures to tell you about.


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Baking Mince pies

Rach's Diary - Take Your Rolling Pin to Work Day

2 Dec 2016

On Tuesday I headed to Birmingham for my weekly day in the SCM Office, and in my bag I took my five year journal. I'm 29 days from finishing the fourth year of it, and the question on Tuesday was 'Describe your mood in five words'. It was my turn to lead prayers at our SCM team meeting this week...

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Rach's Diary - A Time to Rest

25 Nov 2016

You may have noticed that I've not blogged in a full two weeks. Maybe it was to let you catch up with all my adventures, but mostly it was because I have been resting. 

I'd got to a stage where I'd worked so many hours over my normal working week that the only way to balance my time sheet...

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Rach's Diary - That's What Its All About

10 Nov 2016

There is a board in St Peter's House that shows the times that the chaplains are in during the week. They don't need to know my movements in such detail so I just write up whether I'm 'In' or 'Out' of Manchester each day. Someone has funnily followed this with the line 'shake it all about!

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Just some of the SCM goodies I've left in Lancaster

Rach's Diary - A Trip Down Memory Lane

4 Nov 2016

I don't have children, but one thing I know is that you aren't meant to have favourites. I'm guessing the same is true for regional workers and cities.

At my interview, and any time I've been asked about what excites me about this job, I talk about the North West. When I applied to...

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Rach's Diary - a relaxing time in Leeds

1 Nov 2016

October finished with a three train day (final numbers for October - 76 trains, 9 trams, 8 buses and 1 subway) and a trip to Leeds. This had orginally been planned as part of my induction and got delayed till yesterday. 

My diary seems to go in cycles; this last fortnight was much quieter...

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