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Rach's Diary: A week in Manchester

27 Oct 2016

This week I've been calling a Manchester week. Aside from Tuesday, when I did my regular trip to Birmingham to see the team and pick up yet more copies of Movement, I've been based in Manchester at St Peter's House Chaplaincy.

This means I've had more of a 9-5 (ish) routine and...

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Rach's Diary - talks, tissues and even more trains

20 Oct 2016

Last time I blogged I was in the middle of 7 full on days. If you recall I'd spent time in Manchester, Birmingham and Sheffield. Thursday evening took me to a talk by Brian McLaren about his new book The Great Spiritual...

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Rach's Diary - Over the Pennines

13 Oct 2016

Train update for October, 33 trains, 5 trams, and still just 2 buses.

This last week; I've had coffee with an URC minister to talk about becoming a Link Church (and I'm now booked in to preach at his church in June 2017), I've met an SCM friend and found a new cafe, it was really...

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Rach's Diary - A Day in Liverpool

6 Oct 2016

I've heard it said 'join the church and see the world'. In this case it's join SCM and see the North West (and Birmingham)! The photo is from my weekly train to Birmingham, it always makes me smile.

On Wednesday I spent the day in Liverpool. I basically had to meet strangers in places I...

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Rach's Diary - Food Glorious Food

29 Sep 2016

As a student, when we had a new chaplain start at my university I remembered saying the two things he needed for Student Ministry were food and Facebook. Similarly in my interview for this job, which was straight after lunch, I talked about the importance of food, particularly when meeting...

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Rach's Diary - Freshers in Manchester

23 Sep 2016

This week has been busy in a totally new way. There has been a lot less trains and a lot more time with students. Being based in the chaplaincy has meant I've worked on my soup pouring skills, trying not to get too much down the outside of the cups. I've staffed the stall, giving out postcards,...

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Glasgow Coffee Afternoon

Rach's Diary - Dashing here and dashing there

16 Sep 2016

Tuesday was a really long day with a trip to Glasgow. I managed to spill coffee all down me before I'd even left Manchester, but a train delay in Preston meant I had time to pop out and buy a new top - which will ever be known as my emergency Glasgow top. It was great to meet some of the SCM-ers...

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Panel Discussion

Rach’s Diary – No Train No Gain

12 Sep 2016

Thursday and Friday last week was more training. This time rather than induction with other members of the staff I attended the Effective Student Worker Training (8-9 September) SCM was running in Birmingham. It was a really interesting two days, I've learnt that I'm a teddy bear and team worker...

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Rach's Diary - Home Sweet Office Home

7 Sep 2016

So week two of being the Regional Development Worker for the North West has started in Manchester. Here is my office that I share with the Student Worker at St Peter's House. I know it doesn't look like much yet and I'm still missing some essentials but it's good to have somewhere to put my SCM...

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Rach Collins

Rach's diary - Week 1

2 Sep 2016

Hi I'm Rach and I'm the newest member of the SCM staff team. I'm going to be updating the blog with some of my adventures as the new Regional Development Worker for the North West.

I'll usually be based in Manchester but day one and two have been spent in the SCM Office in Birmingham. It'...

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