Movement Magazine

Reaching out to Students: An Interview with Sally Hitchiner

8 Oct 2015

As Coordinating Chaplain at Brunel, what do you love most about your job?

It has to be the students. Being an undergraduate is such a formative time. It’s when people work out what values and influences they want to have an impact on the rest of their lives. Leaving home...

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The Theology of Story: Part Two

15 Sep 2014

The relationship between storytellers and the stories they tell is one that has evoked much reflection. The American poet Robert Frost said that, ‘in order to be universal, you must be parochial.’ He, popular poet with a worldwide audience, was noting that if one is to speak widely to the state...

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The Theology of Story: Part One

15 Sep 2014

At the Greenbelt festival a number of years ago, the late John O’Donohue posed a magnificent question. ‘After the morning you discover that you’re the son of God,’ John asked, ‘what do you do for the afternoon?’

He delivered the question with his usual charm. He went on to tell stories of...

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The Rhythm of Fast and Feast

9 Sep 2013

It was One World Week. Our midweek evening Eucharist was especially themed around the events of the week, focusing on issues of justice and fairness in the sharing of global resources.  Our readings and prayers reflected on the theme, and we went on as usual to the communion. When the priest...

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Creative Space / Sacred Space

17 Sep 2012

It’s a cold November day and I stand in front of the bricked up entrance to an abandoned Bingo Hall at the heart of the Parson Cross estate in the North of Sheffield. I have a can of paint in my hand; I take a deep breath and with some trepidation begin to spray great swathes of colour across...

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