Rach Collins's blog

Rach’s Reflections: Whatever the Future May Be

Why finding a career isn’t the be-all and end-all of university.

Rach's Diary - April at my desk

It's great when things are a bit quieter! What's Rach been up to while the students are away?

Rach's Reflections - The Stones Will Cry Out

In an attempt to keep her blogs interesting Rach is using half of them to reflect on different themes, this week on Holy week.

Rach's Diary - What a Picture

No two days are the same for Rach, what has this week been about?

Rach's Diary - Called to be and beyond

Apart from Called to be... what has Rach been up to?

Rach's Diary - To Liverpool and back again

Rach has been to Liverpool, then to Liverpool again, and is almost ready for 'Called to be...'

Rach's Diary - pancakes in the snow

Rach's week; planning, pancakes, ending hunger and storm Doris.

Rach's Diary - Celebrating Student Sunday

Lancaster, Link Churches and Worship - find out what Rach has been up to this week.

Rach's Diary - up, down, turned around and inside out

Rach has been up and down the North West since she last blogged, and watched Inside Out.

Rach's Diary - 300 Trains and Counting

Rach updates us on what she's been up to while she hasn't been blogging.