By Rach Collins on 10 Jan 2017, 15:29
By Rach Collins on 21 Dec 2016, 10:35
A quick look into how Rach has been celebrating Christmas this year.
By Rach Collins on 16 Dec 2016, 13:59
Advent: a time of journeys, preparations and soup?
By Rach Collins on 2 Dec 2016, 10:45
Every day is different for Rach in the North West! Here's a round up of the week's activities and a look at what Rach carries in her bag.
By Rach Collins on 25 Nov 2016, 14:54
Rach realises the importance of taking time to rest.
By Rach Collins on 10 Nov 2016, 16:41
Rach shares more about her time out on the rails and in Manchester
By Rach Collins on 4 Nov 2016, 14:43
Rach reflects on her trip to Lancaster.
By Rach Collins on 1 Nov 2016, 14:44
Rach's trip to Leeds - mindfulness, Taizé and food
By Rach Collins on 27 Oct 2016, 15:23
Rach ponders about homelessness, faith in action and does her work as well.