As is often the case in my role, each week has a different feel. Last week I got to spend more time with people and this week more time with my computer. Last week was mostly in Manchester and this week mostly in Salford. It's not that I've not seen people this week or only sat at my desk last week, but things do seem to go in waves.
On Wednesday I went back to St Peter's House for their weekly community lunch; it was great to catch up with the staff there as well as some of the regular faces in the Milk and Honey Café.
Last week much of my work was building up to the Manchester Student Work Meet Up where 5 church and organisation leaders came together to discuss 'What is a student like today?' and 'How can we best cater for them?' One member of the group was shocked at some of the stats you can find in our Welcoming Students to your Church guide, and another took away my banner to promote SCM at their Christian Aid Big Brekkie coming soon.
Friday I attended the Christian Aid North West Regional Conference. It was great to hear stories of their work as well as catch up with familiar faces including an SCM Member and someone who had attended the Student Work Meet Up the day before!
This week has been mostly about getting my head around the events in the coming months, confirming dates, booking venues and making sure it will all work within next year's budget which GC will decide on in their meeting in June. I have also had the chance to meet with SCM Friend Ann for a drink and a chat. I always value her friendship, wisdom and listening ear.
In the two months I've been based at the Faith Centre at Salford today was the first Thursday in term time that I've been around to join the Anglican group for their communion. It was great to worship with them as well as find out what is going on and even have an in-depth conversation about Avengers: Infinity War once the people who hadn't seen it had left the room. Don't worry, no spoilers here as we all know Thanos demands your silence...
Next week will be totally different again, but I'll save that for another blog.
Final April train count: 38 trains,1 tram, 8 buses and therefore a total of 1076 trains since I started with SCM!