The last fortnight started with a day at St Peter's House. It was marked with the first harvest of mint which gave us refreshing minty water, which I got to share with an ex-GC member as we talked about SCM past and present.
By Wednesday I was on my way to Liverpool Hope University for the 4th bi-annual SCALA Conference. A place where school chaplains can meet together, worship, learn and chat. I was there to lead a workshop, "Flying the nest", helping young people transition to university and in both sessions it was great to have a variety of views and share some great ideas. I also spent many a break chatting to chaplains and sharing some of the Going to Uni resources.
After a jam-packed two days at SCALA and a day off, I was off to Birmingham for the Methodist Conference. As a bit of a "Methodist Geek" I'd been planning to go for the weekend anyway but it was great to have the opportunities to chat to lay and ordained church leaders about the exciting work of SCM, the new Welcoming Student's to your Church resources and our training coming up in September. With my three days at that conference done it was time for another day off before heading to the Birmingham office to catch up with the team, lead prayers at the staff meeting and send an email to the people I met at SCALA.
The fortnight ended very similarly to how it began with two days at St Peter's House, catching up on emails and starting to plan for the rest of the summer and beyond. As well as a chat with a local student interested in SCM; this time it was hot chocolate on the menu as it was not so warm. I'm yet again at the start of a hectic but exciting week, but I'll save that for another time.
Hope you are having a great summer so far.