With term all but ended I've done some last chance visits to see students. I spent a wonderful Wednesday evening in Lancaster with the SCM group there exploring what campaign work could be done. It was great to see their passion for Love the Earth and we even did some theological reflection into why it’s so important to our faith to care for the planet.
Later that week I met with a group of students from Manchester and Salford to go out for tea to celebrate the end of term and for one member of the group her degree almost being finished. It was also great to meet with one of our newest members.
I've also now been based in Salford for over 3 months and it has been lovely to get to know the Christian communities who meet there, including the Anglican group who meet for weekly communion.
The last few weeks have also included the General Council meeting and inducting the two new members of staff - Callum Fisher the new administrator and Emma Temple the North East Regional Development Worker and Faith in Action Lead. It has been great to spent time with them and Emma even got to spend the time with me in Salford comparing notes about regional work.
I have, of course, spent a lot of time on trains. My May train count finished at 34 and so far in June I'm on 16 trains, 4 buses, and 1 tram. You can support my work by sponsoring a train journey; for example, £7.00 gets me to Birchwood to spend an evening with the Chaplaincy group at the Warrington Campus of the University of Chester. £12.40 would cover my train to Preston to support the chaplaincy and church leaders around UCLan, and £38.40 gets me to Birmingham to spend time with the rest of the team.