October finished with a three train day (final numbers for October - 76 trains, 9 trams, 8 buses and 1 subway) and a trip to Leeds. This had orginally been planned as part of my induction and got delayed till yesterday.
My diary seems to go in cycles; this last fortnight was much quieter and more Manchester based. I'm now at the start of a very busy fortnight, with trips to Lancaster, Preston and Liverpool all mixed in.
It was therefore wonderful to spend the first part of my time in Leeds knitting at the mindfulness cafe with the Student Outreach Worker Emma and a good number of students. It's great in such a busy time to have 90 minutes to relax, and colour in pictures, create with playdough or build with lego.
After that I worked with Sarah who has the events portfolio on the General Council to explore more ideas for the SCM Gathering in Manchester which will be "Called to be...?" and explore vocation. The youth worker in me was excited by flipchart paper and coloured pens as we dreamed the event and planned how to make it happen.
By the time it was going dark it was Taizé time, a short time of worship led by Sarah and there I met members of SCM Leeds current and previous. The group then went off to the pub for food, fellowship and conversations around SCM, politics and finding a church in a new city.
I was so grateful for time in Leeds, to be mindful and to sing and pray, and am feeling prepared for the busyness of these two weeks!
If you'd like me to visit your North West city, or want to know if I have space to see you please get in touch.