At 9.15am last Monday morning I had that ‘new start’ feeling I used to get at the start of a new school year. The team at St Peter’s House were meeting for morning prayer, which is a change from our normal 12.15pm gathering. A candle was lit, a psalm read and a chance to reflect in silence offered to the group. I sat there pondering the near year, the anticipation of the unknown to come and the plans we hold before God. The candle flickered as I thought of Jesus being the light of the world. The light that shines in the darkness, and that the darkness cannot overcome. It was great to start the day in prayer, having time to focus on God before the first full week of the year. It felt grounding.
Later that day we had been given the go ahead to move our desks back into the big office following the building work at St Peter's House. Once the trolley had been found, I got my desktop from the storeroom it has been sat in for the last month and plugged it all together on my newest desk. It was great to once again have a place to feel like my own. It felt grounding.
It reminded me of when, earlier in the year in the process of finalising the latest copy of Movement Magazine, Lisa the Operations Manager for SCM was looking for ideas of what to recommend students put in their ‘university suitcase’ (which you will find on pages 29 and 30 when you get your new Movement very soon). I suggested “your favourite bedding.” It is so important to have a place that feels like home at university, and taking my favourite bedding really helped me to achieve that. It felt grounding.
So at the start of this new academic year, and especially if you are on the move this September, whether it is to a new desk to work at, or a place to call your own, in silence of worship search for where you can find grounding.