When I arrived at my first year of University I was dropped off at my halls by my dad and my brother. I was excited to unpack my boxes, sort out my new bed linen, and put up cards and photos on my notice board, to make my room about me.
During my first year at university, I accumulated a lot of stuff. So much so, that when I was moving home for that summer and both of my parents came to pick me up, there was no longer room in the car for me. I had gained a whole body’s worth of stuff. This meant I travelled home from my first year at University by train with my smallest handbag, and just my purse, railcard and a Sudoku book and pen. I remember sitting at home on my bed that summer with a room full of boxes. It wasn’t worth unpacking most of them as they had to go back with me (in two cars the next time) in September.
I’ve never moved with just one car load since then. I often fill my little car with stuff just to go away for Christmas with the relatives. I also still have a room full of boxes. You see, I’m a hoarder. I have a connection with the things that I own so that I don't want to get rid of them. There may well be things in boxes from two or three house moves ago, and apart from the time I had to move back in with my parents when I started a new job (before I’d had a chance to organise my new home), I’ve always moved into somewhere bigger.
I’ve met several students this year who refused to take postcards or coasters off me as they are “minimalists.” This is something I would struggle with. However, I find myself having to pack up my stuff once again as St Peter’s House is doing some work and my office is being changed. Is this my chance to stop being a hoarder? (At work, at least). To look at everything I’ve accumulated in this first year of working for SCM and get rid of what I don’t need instead of putting it into a box just in case?
I wonder how you move on? I wonder what you pack in your boxes, and what you leave behind?