Last night I was preaching at Lancaster University Chaplaincy, and I started by saying that I have a love-hate relationship with the Bible. Mostly I love reading it and, best of all, exploring it through preaching, Bible study and workshops. I hate the fact I don’t feel compelled to read it more often.
I told the story of Crossing the Jordan in Joshua 3, where Joshua and the priests are carrying the ark of the covenant, cross the Jordan, and the water heaps up at a town called Adam so that they and all the tribes of Israel can cross the river. Now, this isn’t like the scene in Moana where the sea moves so that the small child can collect shells, but instead they have to get their feet wet, to take a step of faith before God held back the water.
We pondered what sea or ocean in our lives we need God to hold back so that we can cross. Where are the 'wet places' that we need to go to in our next step of faith? How we can be people who step forward, but also people who are humble as Jesus calls us to be?
“Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty." Matthew 23:11-12
I’m getting excited about the SCM event A Light for All coming up in Lancaster on the 18th November. This is another chance to open up our Bibles, think about what it has to say to us today, find out how it was put together and even debate what we think should have been left out. Please come and join us for those conversations, as well as to eat food, share fellowship and worship with others from across SCM. Now is the time to book!
See you there?