This past year, students, chaplains and churches have been working tirelessly to welcome new members, demonstrate God’s love to people in powerful ways, and shine a light in the darkest places. As we look ahead to fresher’s week this autumn, we’re inspired by them to do even more to support students in their faith journeys this year.
At our third annual awards ceremony on 9 June 2017, we honoured those students, groups, chaplains and churches who have done some brilliant work this year.
Here is the list of winners in full:
Link Church of the Year
All Hallows, Leeds for their support of SCM Leeds
St Paul’s, Aberystwyth for their support of Aber MethSoc
St Bride’s Liverpool for their student outreach and support of SCM
Winners: All Hallows and St Paul’s
Chaplaincy of the Year
Leeds uni chaplaincy for supporting SCM Leeds’ activities during exam season
Aber uni chaplaincy for supporting students and creating a space for faith on campus
Winner: Aber uni chaplaincy
Blogger of the Year
Nathan Olsen’s blogs on faith and politics
Caterina Fantacci’s blogs on faith and her university experience
Adam Spier’s blogs on faith, society and the church
Winners: Nathan and Caterina
Campaigner of the Year
Emma Temple for her work with SCM Leeds and nationally with SCM’s campaigns
Progressive Christians Essex for their Teach Peace campaign
Rachel Allison and Birmingham MethSoc for the society’s Food Exchange project
SCM Glasgow Network’s week of LGBTQIA+ events in February (as part of LGBT History Month)
Winner: SCM Glasgow Network
Best Use of Social Media
SCM Leeds for their Facebook group and live stream of talks
SCM Edinburgh for their Instagram and Facebook feeds
Winner: SCM Leeds
Best Outreach Event
Birmingham MethSoc for their LGBT and Interfaith mingle event
SCM Leeds’ regular Taize services
Winner: Birmingham MethSoc
Best Interfaith Activity
SCM Leeds for their interfaith prayer workshop
Progressive Christians Essex for their joint event with the University’s Humanist Society and debate on morality
Birmingham MethSoc for their LGBT and Interfaith mingle event
Winner: Progressive Christians Essex
Best New Group
Winner: Deep Waters (Brighton)
Best Group
Birmingham MethSoc for their Food Exchange project and working with other faith societies on campus
SCM Leeds for being engaged nationally and organizing a range of different activities
SCM Glasgow Network for organizing the 2016 Students Gathering in Scotland and running the LGBTQIA+ week of events in February 2017
Winner: Birmingham MethSoc
Member of the Year
Robin Hanford
Sarah Derbyshire
Sonya Bushell
Nathan Olsen
Rach Allison
Winner: Robin Hanford
Thank you to everyone for their hard work this past year and congratulations to everyone who was nominated for an award!