The difference between a refugee, asylum seeker (person seeking asylum) and a migrant
One of the most confusing and misleading problems when talking about our asylum system is the terminology – with the terms refugee, asylum seeker (or person seeking asylum) and migrant being used interchangeably, as if they refer to the same thing. This isn’t true, rather each of these terms has a specific meaning.
Refugee: The United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees defines a refugee as:
‘A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.’
In the UK, refugee status is granted when the government agrees that a person seeking asylum meets this definition.
Asylum seeker (person seeking asylum): In the UK, an asylum seeker or a person seeking asylum (which is the preferred term by many refugee and asylum organisations, as it focuses on an individual’s humanity, rather than their status) is someone who is applying for, but has not yet been granted, refugee status. Those seeking asylum are doing so on the basis that they would be in danger if they continued to live in their home country, as their government would either be unable or unwilling to protect them.
There is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker and everyone shares the legal right to seek asylum. Even when someone’s asylum claim is rejected this does not mean they have done anything wrong, nor does it mean they are not in genuine danger. It just means they have been unable to provide enough evidence to meet the strict criteria to prove the need for protection. Those whose asylum claims are denied also have the right to challenge the decision and make a fresh claim.
Migrant: A migrant is someone who moves to another country for other reasons, such as to work or study.
Myth vs Reality
Now we have cleared up the terminology, lets address some of the common misconceptions about refugees and people seeking asylum – by sorting the fact from the fiction.
Myth: Those who have applied for asylum in the UK are automatically safe
Reality: Besides the psychological trauma from fleeing their homes, the destitution experienced by those seeking asylum makes them easy targets for criminal networks and forced labour, while women are at increased risk of sexual violence. Besides this, those seeking asylum may be held in detention centres for extended periods of time, are five times more likely than the general population to struggle with a mental health need (including suffering with conditions such as PTSD) and the negative perception caused by the media and the political rhetoric around refugees and those seeking asylum puts them at increased risk of experiencing horrific violence and racist abuse.
Myth: The majority of refugees worldwide are adults.
Reality: According to Separated Child half of the world’s refugees are younger than eighteen and the UK had highest number of asylum applications from separated children in Europe in 2019.
Refugees and those seeking asylum contribute positively to the UK
Three calls to action
Already written to your MP? Why not follow it up by meeting them at one of their constituency surgeries and let them know you disagree with the Nationality and Borders Bill and ask them to speak up in defence of those seeking asylum in the UK – there’s some great advice from the organisation RESPECT about how to arrange and prepare for such a meeting (and you can always email Lizzy to help prepare)
Check out these ideas on how you can support refugees and those seeking asylum in the UK and try and find one you feel comfortable doing – even the smallest of actions can make a real difference
Read this article from the BBC about Little Amal, the giant moving puppet of a Syrian refugee girl: Little Amal: Wigan welcomes giant refugee puppet to town - BBC News. Do you think this is a good way to inform people about refugees? If so, why? In your opinion, will Amal change people’s minds about refugees and asylum seekers, or is she merely an artistic photo opportunity?