When asked to reflect on what I value in the Student Christian Movement, my first thought was that ‘they just get it’.
In an anxious church where I’m often asked ‘how many‘, 'how much’, working with allies who are brave enough to step out of this rhetoric is empowering and liberating. SCM know that faith need only be the size of a mustard seed; that the most effective way to pray and share good news often isn’t the loudest; that the voice of God can be found in the stillest, smallest whisper.
SCM nurtures and legitimises the ministry of those of us called to the edge, and often that is where chaplains find ourselves. Among those to whom we are called to minister, are students for whom church is a struggle; those who have not received welcome because of who they are; and those who do not stand out because of anxiety, shyness or introversion. The thoughtful, prayerful, intelligent support from SCM releases potential within students and chaplains who didn’t know they had it in them. The staff of SCM walk alongside, notice, and stand with us in the hard stuff and celebrate with us when the small, green shoots of the transforming effects of God’s love begin to show.
God of the margins. You call us out. And wherever we go, you have gone before. Thank you that you are at work in our chaplaincies and universities through the work of Student Christian Movement. Bless the work of your brave, radical disciples of SCM. May they know your peace, your love, your liberation and your pleasure as you journey together. Amen
Written by Revd Kate Pearson, Chaplain at Warwick University, for the 130th Anniversary Celebration Service.