At the end of 2023, SCM members and friends joined together in a craftivism campaign to send over 150 origami boats to the new Home Secretary, James Clerverly. This was in response to the Government’s ‘Stop the Boats‘ campaign, which we believe is driven by a narrative rooted in trying to keep refugees and asylum seekers outside of the country, and aiding in the building of a general hostile environment for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. The ’Stop the Boats’ campaign in particular focuses on the boats that carry refugees across the channel, rather than the people seeking refuge.
We hoped that in writing messages of welcome and generosity on origami boats, we could shift the focus onto the humanity of those arriving onto our shores. A few months later we got a response from the Home Office, which can be found on pages 3-4. However, although we were happy to get a response at all, there were elements of the letter we felt needed further scrutinising. Therefore, we have created this resource to compare the content of the letter to a fact checker and elements of Christian tradition deemed important and significant in the fight for justice for refugees. As the government continue their hostile rhetoric, particularly with the concerning implementation of the Rwanda Bill, it is important that as young activists we arm ourselves with the knowledge and ability to humanise the issues refugees face, and stand in solidarity with them. In doing so we can stand up for some of the most vulnerable in our society.
Find the resource attached.