PhoebeE's blog

Theatre and the Bible

You could be forgiven for thinking the only place the Bible and theatre cross are at children’s nativity plays and the odd Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. However, these are words we perhaps don’t hear together as much as we should. The basis of modern theatre and much of what we see on stage today, has come from a combination of these two things.  

Protest Poetry

Protest poetry is exactly what it sounds like – a poem or poems where the main theme is uncovering and shining light on issues of social justice or capturing an emotional response to injustices. The natural flow of poetry makes the creative expression of emotion easy to follow, channelling the emotions of the poet to elicit new ones from the reader. 

Making that Switch

Today I ended a nine year relationship. It was one I entered into because it was convenient. I didn’t know any better, and then after a while it was comfortable and harder to get out of. This was my relationship with my bank; Barclays. However, today I switched. To an ethical, greener bank with the help of the JustMoney Movement.  

Street Art, Graffiti and Protest

Some of you may have seen that in December a new artwork by the infamous Banksy was left in Peckham, London, before being stolen not long after. It hit the news and inspired this month’s Creative Protest blog: Graffiti and Street Art.  

Acting for Justice Through Our Choice of Bank

By Rosie Venner, JustMoney Movement Programme Manager

Ethical banking wasn’t on my radar when I started university back in the early 2000s. I’m slightly ashamed to say that when I needed to open a current account, I simply opted for the bank that gave me a free overdraft and a railcard.  


It’s January! Do you know what that means? It's time to do something with all those old gift tags, scraps of wrapping paper, cardboard boxes and other festive debris that is lying around. And there is no better use for it than for social justice! This month’s creative protest blog focuses on ‘Craftivism’. 

Origami and Protest

To mark Human Rights Day this month we are releasing two creative protest blogs. This week we are focussing on origami and how it can be used in protest.  

Puppets and Protest

If you read our last blog, you will have got a teaser for this month’s contribution to creative protest. This month we are looking at puppets! Perhaps, this could be considered an off-shoot of theatre and protest, but I thought it deserved its own stage (pardon the pun).

Theatre as Protest

In this month’s Creative Protest blog we will be exploring theatre as a form of protest. For years theatre has been a medium by which actors and audiences can explore political messages. Even if we go as far back as Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’ in 1605, the use of fictional characters allowed the playwright to explore and criticise the ruling of King James I. Then, if we go even further back to the Ancient Greeks, theatre was embedded within their democratic process.

Suella Braverman vs UN vs Christian Tradition

Remember your responsibilities as a citizen for the conduct of local, national, and international affairs. Do not shrink from the time and effort your involvement may demand.

-Quaker Advices and Queries 34