Faith in Action Theology
Faith in Action Prayers- try these with your groups!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - articles by Rachel Muers, Paul Ballard etc.
Faith in Action Theology (authors to discover) by Ruth Wilde
Exploring Liberation Theology by Chris Howson
An Introduction to Feminist Theology by Nicola Slee
Womanist Theology: A Summary by Candace Laughinghouse
A Brief Outline of Black Theology by Anthony Reddie
Queer Theology- A Brief Overview by Peterson Toscano
Trans Theology and Intersex Theology by Christina Beardsley and Michelle O'Brien
Peace Theology & the Witness of the Peace Churches by Stuart Masters
Christian Eco-Theology: First Steps by Noel Moules
Understanding Christian Anarchism by Keith Hebden
Faith in Action Workshops
For workshops on Faith in Action which we can run with your SCM community, or which you can run as a group, check out our Workshops section.