Response to the Baptist Union Council decision on LGBTQ+ ministers

A response from an SCM member and the SCM trustees on the recent Baptist Union Council decision.

Meet your General Council election candidates!

At the upcoming AGM, members will have the opportunity to elect representatives to General Council, the decision-making body of the movement made up of students and recent graduates. 

Prayer as Protest

“Why don’t you actually do something rather than just praying about it?”  

Theatre and the Bible

You could be forgiven for thinking the only place the Bible and theatre cross are at children’s nativity plays and the odd Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. However, these are words we perhaps don’t hear together as much as we should. The basis of modern theatre and much of what we see on stage today, has come from a combination of these two things.  

Rediscovering Jesus on the Cross: Lent 2024

William rounds off our Lent 2024 series reflecting on the ways in which we've rediscovered Jesus, and offers another way to meet Jesus again, inspired by Marcus Borg. 

Face to Face with Jesus: Lent 2024

The following reflection is taken from St Clare's lent series based on the Face to Face with Jesus resource, and was originally published on their website.

Meeting Jesus Through Rest: Lent 2024

In our latest Lent blog, Niamh explores the radical act of rest as a way of meeting Jesus in a new way.

Who’s That Guy Shouting At A Fig Tree: Lent 2024

As the Son of God, the fully human, fully divine physical incarnation of the Almighty, Jesus is perfect. But in His perfection, it is sometimes difficult to relate to Jesus - to truly embrace the ‘fully human’ side of the Jesus equation. This is why I love the story of Jesus shouting at a fig tree.

Protest Poetry

Protest poetry is exactly what it sounds like – a poem or poems where the main theme is uncovering and shining light on issues of social justice or capturing an emotional response to injustices. The natural flow of poetry makes the creative expression of emotion easy to follow, channelling the emotions of the poet to elicit new ones from the reader. 

Meeting Jesus in Psychoanalysis: Lent 2024

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ

 Galatians 6:2

Psychoanalysis is an intensive therapeutic treatment invented by Sigmund Freud (1857-1939), that aims to make unconscious processes conscious.