My Favourite Saint: St Elisabeth von Thüringen

The final blog in the "My Favourite Saint" series is about St Elizabeth of Hungary.

Advent Waiting: Carpe Deum

SCM Member Alex explores how Advent waiting relates to our vocations.

Sharing the Burden

Bethany shares her reflections and encouragement from meeting students and non-students at our Interrupted by God event in Leeds.

My Favourite Saint: St Porphyrios

Jonathan explores the life of St Porphyrios in the next of our "My Favourite Saint" series.

My Favourite Saint: St Hild

The "My Favourite Saint" series continues with St Hild of Whitby. 

My Favourite Saint: St Thérèse of Lisieux

A recent article about my favourite saint, St Thérèse of Lisieux, described her as one of the most dangerous of all saints. Although this is an odd description to give someone so revered within Roman Catholicism, it is quite apt.

My Favourite Saint: St Godric of Finchale

Join us for this new series, "My Favourite Saint", in which we ask SCM Members to tell us about their favourite saint and how they've been inspired by their life story or teachings. 

Faith in Political Action Today

Geoff Driver reports on DB Day 2018: Faith in Political Action Today.

Race, Equality and Universities: What’s our responsibility? An Invitation to Respond to the Race Equality Charter

Feylyn explains what the Race Equality Charter is, what it means for universities and how we can all play our part in making Higher Education more equal for Black and Minority Ethnic students and staff. 

Why Christians Should Be Involved In Politics

Stephen Maxwell believes being involved in politics can be an expression of an active, lived Christian faith. Here's why!