Beginnings | First Things First

Bible Passage

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33


Jesus said first pursue the reign of God, a state of being where God’s will is done, where God’s justice rolls down like waters. This is the destination that Christians should hunger and thirst for. This pursuit might sound exhausting, and it might cost us everything we have, but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. If we throw ourselves into this work without taking account of our own frailty, our own smallness, then we risk relying on our own strength and burning out. When this happens, we need to begin again, get our bearings, and recommit ourselves to the pursuit.

To begin again, stop, take a breath, and take time to wonder and be amazed. The beginning of true wisdom is to stand in awe at what God has done, is doing and will do. Wisdom is about getting things, including our own lives, in perspective. All our beginnings, whether we’re beginning an academic year, employment, or a relationship, are tiny paragraphs in the great book of Jesus’ work, who is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

Practical Action

Spend some time in prayerful reflection, open to wonder. This could be a walk in the woods, spending time in silence, preparing a special meal, writing in your journal, or listening to a favourite piece of music. Allow the Spirit of Christ to strengthen you as you prepare to begin again.


Creator God, strengthen me in all my beginnings. Show me how I may pursue your reign on earth. In the name of Jesus, the firstborn from the dead. Amen.

Written by Mark Russ. Mark is a Quaker, teacher and blogger who lives in Birmingham.

Resource type: 
Resource theme: 
The Bible
Christian Faith
Encountering God