SCM Connect

Fallowfield Methodist Community Church

FMCC has a multi-purpose building, comprising a spacious upstairs worship area with flexible seating, accessed by stairs and a lift, and a small hall and large coffee bar downstairs, all of which are available for use by the local community as well as providing space for the young people's uniformed organizations that meet during the week. Sunday Worship is at 10.30 a.m., followed by tea and coffee. We are a diverse congregation of mixed ages and backgrounds, and you can be sure of a friendly welcome, both on a Sunday and at our mid-week activities. The church is fitted with a hearing aid loop. There is wheelchair access, a toilet for the disabled, a lift, and the worship area has flexible seating.Our Coffee Bar is open Monday - Friday, 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.Please see our website for further information about our activities.