SCM Connect
St Paul's, Clifton
St Paul's Clifton aims to be an Open Church in our Christian faith and practice: Open to questions of faith & doubt, lifestyle, justice & peace; Open to people of all backgrounds; Open above all, to the ultimate mystery we call God and to the life & teaching of Jesus. Many in our congregation are involved in social justice and climate justice. Our congregation includes: old and young, single and married, gay and straight, waged and unwaged, students, people from a range of differing church, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. We are also linked with the University of Bristol and have a student choir directed by the organ scholar. The senior chaplain of Bristol University is a member of our ministry team. Our theology is 'liberal' and our prayer is contemplative.
On Sundays:
Our main act of worship is a Sung Eucharist at 10.30am with thoughtful and engaging preaching, beautiful music, an open table; with refreshments afterwards.
We have evening services at 6pm - Choral Evensong twice a term and a Contemplative Eucharist on the first Sunday of the month