SCM Connect
South Street Baptist Church
We offer a warm welcome to students whether they are seeking to deepen their existing Christian faith or explore faith. We seek to be an inclusive and hospitable church which welcomes people as they are, recognising that all of us are in need of God's grace. We are from different Christian traditions, united by a shared desire to know more of the God revealed to us in Jesus and discern how we follow Jesus in today's world. Our 11 am service mostly has hymns as we value their poetry, music & depth. We often use prayers or songs from the Iona Community. We have a monthly service on a Thursday evening called Celtic Connexion which is more reflective and uses liturgies and prayers from the Celtic tradition. In Autumn 2016, we are experimenting with a new expression of church for those who prefer a less formal and more participatory service - called Dove Church, it will take place around a meal. Postcode for the church is EX1 1HX.We run the Palace Gate Centre, which seeks to express God's love for the whole person and for all people, many groups in the Centre serve the needs of our city.