SCM Connect
Anglia Ruskin University Chaplaincy
We are a multi-faith chaplaincy, in a university with three campuses (Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough. We also have a site in London). Our students come from all over the world, which we try to reflect in our chaplaincy team, which includes representatives from the following faith traditions: Baháʼí; Buddhism; Christianity (with chaplains from the Anglican, Baptist and Roman Catholic denominations and with an international focus); Hinduism; Islam, and: Paganism. Several of our chaplains have links to local faith communities and to other organisations with ministries to students (including Friends' International and Agape). All of the campuses have multi-faith prayer spaces and meet regularly for prayer. We enjoy working with our excellent student faith societies. Having fun, talking, eating and praying together are all important to us as we travel together on our diverse faith journeys. We would love to meet you: do say hello. You can contact the chaplaincy team either through our campus chaplains or through the generic chaplaincy email address:
Alison Kennedy (Cambridge)
Steph Pedlar (Peterborough)
Hannah Robinson (Chelmsford)
We look forward to meeting you!