SCM Connect
Kingston University Ecumenical Chaplaincy, Faith and Wellbeing
Faith and Spirituality (part of the Student Wellbeing Group within the Department of Student Services and Administration) supports students and staff in everything to do with religion, belief and spirituality.Staff and students at Kingston University represent a broad spectrum of cultures and faiths, making Kingston a rich environment in which to study and work.The Faith and Spirituality team is here for everyone in the University - whatever your beliefs. You can access:- pastoral care and support,- prayer spaces across our campuses,- information on places to worship within the community,- faith and spirituality events, and- student faith societies and groups.There is a full-time University faith adviser and a multi-faith team of voluntary faith advisers all of whom are available for advice, support and prayer.You can drop us an email to say hello or find out more information our on website.