SCM Connect
All Saints with Holy Trinity Loughborough
We are an Anglican Church in the heart of Loughborough home to an inclusive Christian Community offering weekly eucharistic worship to which all ages are welcome. We have a strong choral tradition and maintain a regular choral evensong alongside evening services of Taizí© Prayer, Celtic Communion and a monthly 'smells 'n bells' High Mass! We seek to be a place where faith can be explored in depth and with intellectual integrity. Students are really welcome to join in with any aspect of church life. Last year a number joined our choir, helped out at social events, planned worship or joined a Pilgrim study group. Once a month we have a church lunch after the morning Sunday service which is a great way to get to know members of the church and to go away well fed! Whether you want to get involved or just simply find a quiet place to come and rest, we would be delighted to welcome you.