Regional Worker

Rach's Diary - Desks, desks and more desks

3 Aug 2017

If you keep up to date with my blogs you will know that I've been on the move recently. Don't panic! I'm not leaving the North West, or even Manchester, but St Peter's House where I am based is doing some building work and it has been easier to work away from there. Something I've realised is...

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Rach's Reflection - no big yellow taxi

25 Jul 2017

One of my favourite songs is Big Yellow Taxi, particularly the Counting Crows featuring Vanessa Carlton version. It includes in it "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone." This is something I try...

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Rach's Diary - Churches, Conferences and Coffee

19 Jul 2017

The last fortnight has been as varied as ever, and started with me going on some training courses. Firstly, training for something for SCM's latest project which is very exciting and you’ll find out more about soon… watch this space! Secondly I did a whole day on emergency first aid where I...

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Rach's Diary - a Double Conference Sandwich

4 Jul 2017

The last fortnight started with a day at St Peter's House. It was marked with the first harvest of mint which gave us refreshing minty water, which I got to share with an ex-GC member as we talked about SCM past and present. 

By Wednesday I was on my way to Liverpool Hope University for...

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Rach's Diary - Here, There and Everywhere!

16 Jun 2017

I have known for a while that June was going to be a very busy month. In the three weeks since I last wrote a diary blog a lot has happened! Here is just a snapshot of some of the places I've been to and the people I've met.

Just before the bank holiday weekend, I went to a Student Worker...

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Rach's Diary - two very different weeks

25 May 2017

It is often the case I have a busy travelling week and then a mainly Manchester based week. This last fortnight has been a perfect example of that.

Last week started in Manchester. Monday was an admin day - finishing my Workplan and North West plans, getting papers ready for the General...

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Rach's Diary - Back on the rails

11 May 2017

The last couple of weeks have been quite full on. As well as all the normal team meetings (both at SCM HQ and St Peter's House), emails and planning I have to do, I've spent a lot of time since I last did a diary blog on the rails. So much so that I've travelled on my 500th train!

Here is...

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Rach's Diary - April at my desk

20 Apr 2017

I started April by taking some annual leave, which I filled with a conference, two weddings and three days of a holiday club. Since then I've not worked a full week, with bank holidays for Easter and a bit of TOIL to use up -  I'm getting accustomed to three and a half or four day working weeks...

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Rach's Reflections - The Stones Will Cry Out

13 Apr 2017

I made a comment to a friend yesterday about having a long weekend off work at the end of this week. His response was "oohh that's nice".  I think he'd forgotten that Easter weekend means bank holidays for me now – while last year I was working for the church, when Easter is not a lovely four...

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Rach's Diary - What a Picture

30 Mar 2017

Whenever I get asked what I do at work, I always say that every day is different. This is still the case. I've recently been a bit more grounded in Manchester, but my job still has a great variety to it. 

Last Thursday SCM Manchester had a social evening so we ate pizza and played a card...

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