
Top Tips For Freshers: part 1

1 Aug 2017

Starting university is nerve-wracking for most people, to one degree or another. For this reason, we've asked SCM members to write down their most helpful tips to prepare students-to-be for the new acaemic year and try to relieve some of that tension! Here is the first installment of advice, ...

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What Makes a Good Leader?

5 Jun 2017

I have sometimes half-jokingly said that a fair bit of what I know about ministry, I learned from my mother. I think I might have learnt a few things from her about what makes a good leader, too. After all, I doubt you can bring up three children single-handed as she did without some skills in...

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The Gift of the Present: Dealing with Mental Health During Lent

5 Apr 2017

I’ve written for SCM before about my schizoaffective disorder and how religious buildings are a major trigger for it. What I did not mention was that my symptoms tend to flare up hugely during Lent. From 2011 to 2016, every Lent without...

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One student’s story of faith in Liverpool

20 Feb 2017

I started the journey to find a church in Liverpool at the very start of my second year. I’d grown up in a Church of England family and had decided to get confirmed at 17, but in my first year I’d never even looked for a church in Liverpool; I hardly remember the thought crossing my mind. It had...

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5 Reasons Why Theology is Important for Non-Theology Students

6 Dec 2016

To any non-theology students, the word ‘theology’ might conjure up some intimating images: the intense study of God within the halls of academia, a subject that’s confined to lectures and seminars, where only serious study can do it justice.

But really theology is an essential part of the...

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Life at University: Theology, Faith and Vocation

23 Sep 2015

When I first set off to university to study theology, along with a reading list and my childhood teddy, I also took with me two determinations: to heed the warnings from home and ensure that my studies did not damage my faith, and more importantly to prove everyone wrong and not work for the...

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Doubt and Uncertainty

23 Jan 2015

At the recent ‘Godly Mayhem’ conference organised by the Progressive Christianity Network and SCM, one of the student participants raised the question of whether students are too young to cope with doubt, and whether embracing doubt and uncertainty is something we can only do when we are older...

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Rethinking Christianity: An Interview with Peter Rollins

5 Sep 2014

Is there anything specific to the university experience that young Christians should take advantage of to deepen, stretch, or question their faith?

For me, that is the university experience at its best. It’s the place where ideological, political, cultural – any...

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