Faith in Action

I Was a Stranger and You Invited Me In: The Nationality and Borders Bill Campaign

7 Oct 2021

Our Long-Term Campaign  

Here at SCM we are in the process of developing a potential new long-term campaign to sit alongside the short-term two-year campaign voted on by the members (currently focusing on food justice).  For this long-term campaign, SCM are creating a social action plan...

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Hi, my name is Lizzy!

4 Oct 2021

Hi, I am Lizzy

I have been involved in campaigning for social justice since I was seventeen. I am particularly passionate about issues that relate to fragile states and conflict and I would define my soapbox issues as being centred around the persecution of people, refugee rights...

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Hi, my name is Alana!

29 Sep 2021

Hi, my name is Alana!

I graduated this July from the University of Birmingham with a bachelor’s degree in Theology and Religion. Studying a range of topics from biblical scholarship to anthropology, Christianity was the primary focus of my higher education due to its vast history,...

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Peacemakers: No Military Solutions to Spiritual Problems

22 Sep 2021

In theory I know a lot about the arms trade and I know a lot about what weapons in the wrong hands can do. I have spent nearly four-years exploring this as part of my PhD, which looks at how and why children have engaged in maritime piracy within Somalia. One of my research participants even...

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Peacemakers: Standing in Silence

21 Sep 2021

.. We stood in silence, amid the candle light, disregarding the evening breeze, in order to protest the trade of deadly weaponry in the country’s capital city. There are 53 countries considered by Freedom House to be ruled without liberty. The UK has knowingly and willingly sold arms to 39 of...

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In Favour of 'Global Majority'

11 Dec 2020

Being from the United States of America, I hadn't heard of the term BAME before I came to the UK. BAME stands for Black, Asian and minority ethnic. I was told that this is was a term which defined me; a term to help identify my experiences for other people. BAME is a term that was designed to...

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Anxious about the Climate Emergency?

4 Aug 2020

I’ve lived with anxiety since I was about 10 years old. So you might wonder why I’ve chosen to spend the past six years as the Director of Hope for the Future, working on one of the most threatening issues the human species has ever faced. Well, like a lot...

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Should I Stay or Should I Go? Activism in Exile

30 Jul 2020

Over the last few months, we have been living in “lockdown”. It has been necessary for us to stay inside as much as possible, for our own health and the health of others. For many, this experience has provided opportunities for reflection, as well as time to simply escape from the world. This...

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When Will Black Lives Matter?

8 Jun 2020

As a Black British woman, it has taken some time to gather my thoughts around the latest in a long list of (publicly known) murders of black people at the hands of American law enforcers; that being the murder of George Floyd, 46. This has come so soon after the murders of Breonna Taylor, 26,...

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It's Time To Listen

8 Jun 2020

This is a time for people who are not black to listen to those who are. Deanna asked some of her friends and family in the black community what they had to say about recent events:

“Speak out and act when you see injustice. Don’t judge people based on their appearance. Treat...

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