Faith in Action

Compassion Fatigue and the Cost of Discipleship

4 Oct 2018

I came across the concept of compassion fatigue through this article by Elisa Gabbert in the Guardian. She asked whether, in an era of 24 hour news updates and daily political...

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Reflections for the International Day of Peace

1 Oct 2018
September 21st was the International Day of Peace. It was also the day we mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 and translated since that time into over 500 languages, the declaration remains one...
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Beginnings and Endings

26 Sep 2018

This time of year always feels like a time for fresh starts. The weather is becoming colder and the air crisper, holidays are over and it’s time to get back to the everyday routine of life. It’s time for a new academic year; new notebooks, new pens, and a new intention to study hard and create...

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How Christian Witness Changed a Poppy Policy

5 Sep 2018

As an international student in the UK I tried to blend in as much as I could. Part of this meant popping my coin in the tin around the beginning of November and wearing my Red Poppy as everybody else does. The Red Poppy cause is about helping veterans and I know how difficult life can be for...

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Preparing for the Interruptions

9 Aug 2018

‘In failing to prepare you are preparing to fail’ – anyone else having awful flashbacks to school exams on reading this phrase? For me it brings up the vague sick feeling that accompanies revision timetables, flashcards, and piles of textbooks in the library while the sun shines outside.


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The Golden Rule of Pride

9 Aug 2018

I have been to Pride three times in my life, all of them since I’ve been at university. The first time, I was a frightened nineteen-year-old coming to the end of my first year. I was still struggling with the sense of independence that being away from home for the first time had afforded me, and...

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The Good Place? Bonhoeffer and Christian Ethics

10 Jul 2018

Along with seemingly everyone with a Netflix account, I’ve recently been binge-watching NBC's hit show The Good Place. It centres around a woman, Eleanor, who finds herself in heaven, but *spoilers!* quickly discovers she’s not meant to be there. She decides she has to find a way of becoming a...

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Discipleship: Deepening Faith

27 Jun 2018

SCM’s third aim is Deepening Faith. For the next installment of the SCM Discipleship series we asked our Members to share the ways in which they deepen their faith that aren't the usual suspects!

Reading and Being Creative

“I read books about Celtic...

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Discipleship: Celebrating Diversity

26 Jun 2018

1. I am Walking

Jesus calls us to be ourselves. ‘Authenticity’ is a buzz word which many hate, and many love. But, ultimately, it is the calling to discipleship. Jesus calls people into relationship with each-other, but only after transforming the self. Changing...

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Existence Anew: Bonhoeffer and Discipleship

14 Jun 2018

“But because Jesus is the Christ, it has to be made clear from the beginning that his word is not a doctrine. Instead, it creates existence anew.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s story is well known. He was writing theology...

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