Faith in Action

Snowflakes and White Poppies

10 Nov 2017

In the Yorkshire Post this week, Anglican priest G.P. Taylor launched an attack on what he called the “snowflake generation”, for wearing white poppies.

In recent weeks, I’ve spent lots of time reading hostile, and often abusive, messages. Some...

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The Poppy Question: An Anabaptist Response

9 Nov 2017

Which poppy would you wear as part of the Gospel’s Peace Witness?

It appears that white poppies are quite liked by Anabaptists both here and in Canada, even though occasionally British ones decide to wear none at all, and some Canadians wear both (as Quakers often do in...

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The Strength to Remain (A Blog for Black History Month)

25 Oct 2017

Another black history month almost ends and it is still a good thing to honour and discover black historical figures that have been whitewashed from history pages. Though erased, they contributed to earth’s development. Although an excellent endeavour, black people have bigger fish to fry....

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Loving the earth means being good stewards of creation

25 Oct 2017

In 1967, Lynne White Jr published an article entitled The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis, in which he argued that the Judeo-Christian view of nature and the natural world had contributed heavily to the environmental crisis. The paper kickstarted a new subdiscipline within the study of...

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Jesus and Guns

16 Oct 2017

The shooting in Las Vegas is still fresh in my mind, partly because it was such a short time ago, and partly because it is the type of thing that happens too frequently in America. This happened in the country that has some of the highest church attendance in the West, where politicians readily...

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Combatting Militarism In Universities and Wider Society

9 Oct 2017

Recruiting young hearts and minds

Today I identify as a pacifist, but that was not always the case. In fact, only a few years ago that couldn't have been further from the case. I grew up in a military family, and my Grandad received an award for bravery which led him to...

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Too Much, Too Young? A Christian Response to the UK’s Recruitment of Child Soldiers

9 Oct 2017

Child Soldiers in the UK?

Recently an article by the moral and political philosopher...

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World War 2: The Child-Friendly Face of Chaos?

5 Oct 2017

I find many alarming signs of increased militarisation in our culture. There has been discussion elsewhere about military recruitment at secondary schools, but I am also bothered about how our “Help for Heroes” and “Armed Forces Day”( introduced as “Veterans Day” in 2006) have been used as a...

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Photo credit: Pixabay

Loving The Earth Means Not Only Admiring Its Beauty But Caring For It Too

25 Sep 2017

My granny has a collection of Bible verses, prayers and sayings stuck to the wall right above her fruit bowl, in the kitchen. One that she has herself typed onto an ancient post-it note sticks in my mind: ‘The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands.’


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Running to do good: a new approach to voluntary action

9 Aug 2017

The idea for GoodGym arrived when founder Ivo Gormley began jogging to the home of a family friend who was housebound. Finding that his regular run now had a purpose beyond his own fitness goals, he applied the idea to help more people and launched a running group that got fit by doing good....

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