Faith in Action

Seven Priests Walk Into A Bar...

3 Aug 2017

A story appeared in the news recently where several students for the Catholic priesthood were denied entry to a local pub in Cardiff. They were there to celebrate the ordination of a fellow student, and because of their unusual priestly garb the bar staff refused to serve them, thinking they...

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Caring for our Common Home and Sharing in our Common Joys

24 Jul 2017

Last weekend, I spent a few days in Derbyshire, helping with the SCM stall at the National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN) annual conference. This is a Catholic conference and the theme this year was ‘A Sabbath for the Earth and the Poor’, looking at the big issues of environment and poverty...

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The Liberal and the Martyr

22 Jun 2017

Faith and UK Politics

British parliamentary politics could not, given the bishops in the House of Lords, be accurately characterised as ‘secular’, but it is certainly godless. As such, theological events are a fairly rare occurrence. However, Tim Farron’s resignation,...

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More in Common

22 Jun 2017

These past few weeks I have been sad, angry and asking questions. With Grenfell, the terror attacks in Manchester and London, and the recent attack on the Finsbury park Mosque. At times, it all feels too much. It’s in these moments that I look to my Christian faith and ask what Jesus would do....

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Getting Together and Building Community

19 Jun 2017

This weekend marked one year since the tragic death of Jo Cox MP, a brilliant lady who fought for justice, equality and unity throughout her time as a politician, and who inspired many people in her community. On the anniversary of her death, local communities up and down the country took part...

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Brexit, Division and Social Cohesion: One Year On

14 Jun 2017

Jesus knew all about social divisions coarsened by national disappointment. Yes, the Somewheres (#MakeIsraelGreatAgain) were oppressed by the Anywheres (the globe-trotting Roman elite). His response was personal encounter.

So thousands of Christians (and the CUF...

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A reflection on International Conscientious Objector Day

22 May 2017

May 15th is celebrated by many peace organisations as the International Conscientious Objector Day, a celebration which we should use as a starting point to reflect on the depths of Christian tradition and history when it comes to political theology, and the issues of war and...

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An International Ban on Nuclear Weapons?

15 May 2017

Nuclear weapons are criminal

Nuclear weapons have only been deployed in warfare twice- both times by the US on Japan at the end of the Second World War. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed almost immediately, and many more have died since from radiation and cancer related...

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GE 2017: Two SCM Members Put Forward Their Political Viewpoints

9 May 2017

Who is my neighbour? – Adam Spiers

In their pastoral letter released prior to the 2015 general election, the Church of England’s bishops attempt to offer guidance to Anglicans as they prepare to vote.  ‘...

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