The Annual General Meeting for the Student Christian Movement happened on Sunday 8th March 2020 at the Pioneer Centre near Kidderminster as part of the 'Known By Name' National Gathering.
Reports on the last year were recieved from General Council and the staff team in a range of formats, including a quiz, a game of hide and seek and an acrostic poem!
There was also a vote on those standing for General Council. We are pleased to announce that from August this year, Emilia de Luca (Access and Inclusion Portfolio), Emma Atkins (Disabled Students' Rep), Jack Woodruff (Campaigns Portfolio), Nathan Olsen (Movement Magazine editor), Patrick Ramsey (International Portfolio) and Russell Frost (South Region Rep) will all be joining the General Council, with Emilia de Luca, Patrick Ramsey and Russell Frost additionally serving as trustees. They all join Tom Packer-Stucki (Convenor) and Louise Dover (Vice Convenor) who are half-way through their two-year term as trustees.
You can read the minutes here.
You can book now to attend the 2021 AGM, taking place at our National Gathering 'Waiting in Hope'!