Since the General Election was announced, 9 days ago, on the 22nd May The Times has published a piece of writing discussing transgender people and topics 17 times*. They talk about the Scottish Greens, books, women’s sports, puberty blockers (that are apparently now only safe for cis kids with precocious puberty, not for kids questioning their gender) and She Who Must Not Be Named. All are negative and do not present the truth of ‘the transgender issue’: that trans people are just trying to live their life. This is the norm now for the conversation about transgender people in UK media and politics.
With the General Election rapidly approaching and the prospect of the atmosphere in the UK for trans people going from our standard cruelty to all-out-inhumane-attacks-for-political-gains, trans people have been preparing for our lives to become even more of a target. This is a guide for cis allies on how they can protect and support all of their transgender siblings at this time, when it is becoming even scarier to be visible and more painful to read the news.
Know what to look for
Learn how to spot transphobic statements. It isn’t always as obvious as that bizarre week when every politician was asked ‘can a woman have a penis?’ on national TV. JKR stating that trans women are the biggest attack on women’s rights in recent times but not mentioning that Roe vs Wade was overturned in the last 2 years is an example of this. Listen to trans people when they voice concerns and trust that if we say ‘that seems transphobic’, it is.
When you see a headline or a news clip or a sound bite from a politician about trans people, engage the critical part of your brain. What is this really saying? Does this line up with what I know from people’s lived experiences? Could this be used as evidence for others to act hatefully towards trans people because they are trans?
Speak out
When you see or hear something that is just wrong: say something. Helping to stop the spread of disinformation within our social circles is a way to make tangible change with those who may just not be informed or aware of trans issues. Learn some quantitative facts that you can use in conversation when the topic of the Cass report or trans women in sports comes up. Know some reliable sources where you can signpost others to (Mermaids is always a good shout!)
Hold space
Trans people need time to be allowed to process their emotions relating to this. There is a lot of fear, anxiety, sadness and grief to be experienced. Listening to what we have to say can be the difference between a trans person feeling abandoned and feeling embraced. However well intentioned and informed their views are, cis allies should be helping to pass the microphone over to amplify the voices of trans people. SCM’s Trans Theology Group is open to all trans people to help provide some peer support and community and to allies as a place for you to learn how to hold space and what trans people need from you.
The deadline to register is the 18th June. If you are a university student you have the right to be registered in both your home constituency and term time constituency, though you can only vote in one of these places.
It is crucial that at this election we send a signal that we will not continue to stand for the dissolution and destruction of trans rights that have crept into our country. And the work doesn’t stop after the election: continue to ensure your MP knows you expect them to support the rights of all trans people, including children by writing to them. But before then: vote on the 4th July.
Scrutinise a manifesto, check in with a trans loved one, join a protest, improve your inclusive language, there are so many options for actions you can take. But all of them, however small, count. What can you do today, during this time where politicians are learning what matters to the people who will vote for them, as an act of support to the trans community?
*Correct at time of writing 31/05/2024
Written by Mo (they/she). Mo is a neurodivergent, queer and trans student who is an active part of SCM’s Trans Theology Group.