Last week SCM held two sets of exciting and enriching training in the beautiful house and grounds at Fircroft College in Birmingham. Church leaders, students, chaplaincy assistants and student workers from across the country came together to explore questions around mission, community and what a relevant and vibrant faith on campuses might look like today.
One of the highlights from our Effective Student Work Training was a workshop on pastoral care and boundaries. Revd Sharon Jones shared that ‘empathy is the compass for boundaries’ in a moving workshop that explored compassion for ourselves and students in our care.
On our second day of training we hosted a diversity and inclusion panel attempting to answer the question ‘How can we build inclusive and diverse Christian student communities for all?’. We had three key focuses on race, LGBTQ+ issues and international students. Students explored the issues of privilege, what it means to be an ally and how to create a welcoming atmosphere.
Ecumenism is at the heart of SCM and participants enjoyed planning and leading ecumenical worship together. ‘Planning worship together was a great way to learn about including everyone’s traditions and background’ - Alex Akhurst, leader of St. Oswald’s student group, Durham.
Jack Woodruff from York Christian Focus said ‘SCM’s Group Leader Training has helped me feel confident and excited about being a student leader’ and another student commented ‘I’ve loved meeting other group leaders – I feel I’m now part of a bigger community (incl. staff) who’ll help and support us’.
If you belong to a student group or you support one as part of your work, why not invite SCM to run some training and support your group to have a great start to the year? Get in touch with out Groups Worker Lizzie on lizzie@movement.org.uk to find out more.