#EndHungerUK Update: Expanding the Food Exchange Project at Birmingham University

As a follow up to the productive meeting with Gisela Stuart MP in January, students from Cathsoc, Angsoc and Methsoc at the University of Birmingham met with Ben Bailey, head of student services, to discuss how they might expand their food exchange project to the whole university. The food exchange initiative began as a Faith in Action project in 2015, collecting surplus food from outlets on campus and redistributing it to a local homeless charity. You can read more about the project here.

The ambitious students, encouraged by Ms Stuart, are hoping that Birmingham University might become a zero food waste university and help those in need at the same time!

Ben Bailey said:

"It was a real pleasure to meet with a group of people who have real passion to tackle the important issue of food waste. It was yet another great reminder of what fantastic contributions to the University and wider society our students can and do make. Our discussion of ideas about how they can accelerate progress towards realising their ambitions in reducing food waste was both aspirational and practical, which can be a really powerful combination. I'm looking forward to seeing how the ideas and plans develop to build on the existing success."

We at SCM will continue to encourage and support the students at Birmingham in any way we can in their projects. We are inspired by them and all the students in our SCM group who are making such a positive impact in the world. Watch this space for more!