On Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020 members of SCM and their friends gathered online to honor the trans* lives lost in the past year. Led by trans* members of SCM, the vigil was a time of mourning, honouring, and hope as we looked to the future.
As part of the vigil attendees wrote a line expressing their thoughts and hopes about TDOR. These lines were put together into the following poem.
No Name Unknown to God
The names are read,
I rage and lament
that within my lifetime
I could hear the name of friends I love
in this annual litany,
A litany that merely scratches the surface of our grief.
When will our tears bring justice,
our longing bring liberation,
our God bring life?
We need a time of purple courage
to create worldwide equality and love.
The cry of a sorrow too hard to bear,
Long after our candles have gone out,
You will go on remembering them,
You know them all by name.
I pray for a world in which it is safe,
for everyone to be who God made them to be.
Longing for greater understanding and acceptance,
and a celebration of diversity.
Safety for my loves and their loved ones.
Opposites, confined in rigid boxes,
separated by a gulf of hate and fear,
now free; merging together,
creating unimaginable beauty,
colours never before seen,
birthing a new creation.
Let us celebrate the love of God's rainbow creation
No life escapes God's Love and Liberation.
In our sanctuary of hope,
all are welcome.
If you would like to know more about SCM's LGBTQ+ work please get in touch with Caitlin at caitlin@movement.org.uk