PROGRESSIVE EVANGELISM - A new resource for progressive Churches and communities.

SCM is pleased to launch the second resource in the Affirming Christianity series, Progressive Evangelism.
The four-part course was developed in response to feedback from the movement about the need for an accessible resource on the topic. The materials seek to help progressive Christians define evangelism in their context and understand what draws people towards God. The legacies of the past and the doubts we carry are integrated as part of the discussion, and the activities are designed to help participants to put their learning into action.  
Revd Naomi Nixon, CEO of SCM, says: 

“As Progressive Christians we are sometimes nervous about evangelism. We’ve often seen people put off God by negative experiences of outreach, and there are ethical questions about how we share our faith responsibly. We want to respond to the call to spread the Good News in a way which is authentic to our theology and tells people about the God we love.”

The course can be run as a sequence of four meetings or as standalone workshops, offering flexibility for different kinds of groups. The course materials enable participants to think about what the Good News is in their own hearts and helps them to think about opportunities to offer the love of God where they are. 
Course attendees said: 

“This course opened up good, orderly, hopeful and directional conversations about reclaiming evangelism as a person of faith and promoting healing.

“As the person leading the course, I really appreciated how easy the booklet was to use, and I didn’t need to do lots of preparation.” 

“It was such an encouraging course, and I went away feeling inspired to share the Good News in a way that is really authentic to me and my faith.” 

Notes for editors: 
  1. ‘Progressive Evangelism’ is the second in a series of small-group courses called Affirming Christianity.  
  2. The four-session course is available to purchase as a booklet from
  3. Affirming Christianity is an SCM project creating a series of small group resources for progressive Christians.   
For further comment please contact:
Naomi Nixon, CEO, Student Christian Movement: