Thursday and Friday last week was more training. This time rather than induction with other members of the staff I attended the Effective Student Worker Training (8-9 September) SCM was running in Birmingham. It was a really interesting two days, I've learnt that I'm a teddy bear and team worker - which I think I knew. I had time to get to know other student workers from across the country.
The diversity panel, exploring what it means to be diverse and inclusive, challenged us to get educated and be welcoming. We had a chance to plan an event and lead worship by committee - which concluded our time together. Friday afternoon's session on discipleship made me wonder how I can connect to God better, especially during my new commute time. Ideas were shared around session planning and what to do for Freshers’ events which is coming up soon here in Manchester. We examined to-do lists, did a key stats quiz and shared an agape meal. It was a really fulfilling two days.
Today I've been back on induction by learning what my colleagues all do. This time it was with Ruth Wilde finding out more about her Faith in Action work and Project Bonhoeffer. The event in Coventry in November (Faith and Frontiers Today) sounds really interesting, watch out for more details in the coming weeks.
This week I'm doing quite a bit of travelling, seeing what goes on in Scotland, and back to Birmingham for the team meeting. There’s also Freshers’ events in Manchester and my first GC (General Council) meeting on Saturday. I'll try to keep you updated as I go!