Six months ago I'd never heard of the Universal Day of Prayer for Students, but this past Sunday I got to spend the day exploring Jesus and Paul with students in Lancaster. We used the beautiful liturgy from the Student Sunday resource pack, gave out the prayer cards and explored how we tackle those difficult parts in the Bible when we find inconsistancies and things we really just disagree with. This meant I spent much of the last week racking my brain for the things I like about Paul, and the things that I don't. I was very glad to be leading the service with the Anglican Chaplain, Kevin, who did the introduction and conclusion, and I helped to fill in the middle. I also got to share with students about the day of prayer and some of the exciting things that are happening with SCM in the North West and beyond.
While I was in Lancaster I also met with local Church Leaders to find more ways of connecting with students and helping them to deepen their faith. I'm steadily finding more Link Churches and building community across the North West.
Last week I also had the opportunity to attend Quaker Worship. It was a great space to worship in silence and meet staff and students from the Manchester Universities.
Train number 350 took me down to London, which as you will know is not in the North West. Ellis, SCM's Fundraising and Communications Officer, and I went to some fundraising training. It was interesting to learn about the process of fundraising, but also the importance to relationship building and listening. It was also great to have a day with Ellis!
On the train home I got chatting to the young woman sat opposite me. She had visited one of the London universities and was pondering the decision she had to make. I hope I helped, and I handed over a copy of Movement for her to read as she prepared to become a student. It's become a bit of a joke that I always end up speaking to people on trains, but that has to be my most productive conversation!
Some people have been asking me for prayer points which is very much appreciated, so if you would like to pray for the North West please:
- Thank God for the students who led and took part in Student Sunday services.
- Pray for the final preparations and the Students and Friends booking in for "Called to be...?" our Gathering and Friends event in March