The last fortnight has been as varied as ever, and started with me going on some training courses. Firstly, training for something for SCM's latest project which is very exciting and you’ll find out more about soon… watch this space! Secondly I did a whole day on emergency first aid where I practiced CPR, put strangers into the recovery position, talked about dealing with burns, and practiced bandaging arms. I truly hope I never have to use any of these skills on any of you, but I'm now ready, just in case!
On a sunny Saturday just over a week ago, I went to Southport to meet people from the United Reformed Church at their Big Day Out. It was great to chat to people from all over the North West, many of whom were involved in 'The SCM' during their student years’ decades ago, as well as church leaders passionate about how they can reach out to students. Just because you haven’t seen me at a conference doesn’t mean you can’t sign you church up as a Link Church though, check out the details here to sign up! I also used the opportunity to induct our latest volunteer PJ who is the Student Contact for Liverpool City Centre. If you would like to become the Student contact for your city or university, please get in touch with me.
Last week included a couple of typical coffee meetings, one with SCM Friend Ann, who I get to chat with about four times a year. She offers a wise ear as I share what is going on and my future plans for the North West. I also met with James, one of the chaplains at the University of Chester’s Warrington Campus. It was great to find out how he does chaplaincy there and get another date for a freshers' event booked in. If you have a freshers' event and want an extra pair of hands please let me know and I’ll see how many I can fit into my diary!
James and I then went to a chaplains’ event organised by the Diocese of Liverpool which included lunch and a time of sharing about the different education chaplaincy roles in the area. The event is hoping to become more inter-faith but as a first occasion started with Anglicans, Catholics and a Jewish leader.
Last Sunday I had the opportunity to lead worship at Roby URC. It was a great opportunity to talk about some of the people I’ve met this year as well as preach on loving your neighbour, which evolved into an interesting discussion about whether you should send a Christmas card to a neighbour who wronged you.
This week has had a real end-of-term feeling to it as I’ve been packing up my office into one box, plus all the computer parts and a bag of sand. This is ready for St Peter’s House having some building work done over the coming weeks. I reflected a bit more on that last week, and I did decide to be more ruthless than I have been in any other move. I’m still around and available over the next couple of weeks though so please do get in touch.
For those of you who pray for my work, please pray for:
· Students graduating and finding or starting new jobs.
· The changes at St Peter’s House.
· Plans for the summer, including Greenbelt.