Rach's Diary - Dashing here and dashing there

Glasgow Coffee Afternoon

Tuesday was a really long day with a trip to Glasgow. I managed to spill coffee all down me before I'd even left Manchester, but a train delay in Preston meant I had time to pop out and buy a new top - which will ever be known as my emergency Glasgow top. It was great to meet some of the SCM-ers there as well as the student worker. The photo is from the twice-weekly coffee afternoon. I found out what they were up to this very busy freshers week - including a pizza night, film night and worship - and helped them to pull together some of the ideas for the SCM Gathering that is happening next month. If you'd like to come along to the event which includes a talk from Bishop David Walker as well as Bible Study, worship a chance to explore and a craft corner that check out the details hereI also met a older gentleman who had been in SCM when he was a student - it is facinating to see the history of the movement and fits nicely alongside the history of SCM book I was reading on the train. 

I took Wednesday off to recover, but had a productive day sanding down a door.

Thursday is team meeting day, so I had a quick trip down to Birmingham, caught up with Hilary and the team and stuffed envelopes with copies of Movement ready to be mailed out to SCM Friends. I also completed my final bit of induction, spending time with Ellis learning about fundraising and social media.

SCM Manchester

Friday morning started very excitedly at the local community radio station to record an interview all about SCM and the new North West Hub. You'll be able to listen to it here  when it airs on Sunday night, approximately 7:30pm or listen again from 34 minutes in here

After a quick dash to catch a train I was back in Manchester ready for the international freshers to come for lunch at St Peters House Chaplaincy. Jack (the student worker) and I put the finishing touches to the programme for SCM Manchester ready to be printed and handed out to the new students. I had some really good conversations, helped a PhD student from Israel find the local Synagogue and talked about the different churches we have in Manchester to a number of interested students. I also gave out coasters and postcards in a mission to help brighten up student halls. Here is a photo of our little stall ready for more students to arrive next week.

Train count - 39 in 16 days (plus 3 trams and 2 subway trips).
