I've heard it said 'join the church and see the world'. In this case it's join SCM and see the North West (and Birmingham)! The photo is from my weekly train to Birmingham, it always makes me smile.
On Wednesday I spent the day in Liverpool. I basically had to meet strangers in places I didn't know, so I wore my bright blue jacket and hoped for the best.
Once I'd arrived in the city, I got to take my first bus while working for SCM. This took me to Liverpool Hope University where I met the one of the Chaplains, Lizzy, to find out what is going on for Students in Liverpool. I think I've got my head around the three different universities and have an idea of some churches to get in touch with to see if they would like to be Link Churches. Lizzy used to work for SCM too so it was nice to hear her stories.
Then a speedy bus back towards the Baltic Triangle for meeting number two. Lunch with Robin from Scripture Union. He, like me, works across the North West and we discussed ways of connecting to young people before they get to university. We explored who both SCM and Scripture Union are and I offered to do stalls or workshops at future events. He also invited me to a Youth Leaders Breakfast - so my working meals are diversifying! I think that lunch could lead to some exciting things to come and Robin was impressed with SCM's Going to Uni guide - I'd finally got round to reading it cover to cover on the train to Liverpool, and I'm using it this evening at SCM Macnehster's discussion 'keeping faith on campus'. I hope you have all had a chance to get hold of one, I know they were very popular at freshers' events.
Meeting three started with some confusion about where we were meeting, but included a lovely hot chocolate in a little cafe. It was great to meet Warren and PJ from St Bride's Church who are one of our Link Churches, and hear about the work they have been doing and the journey they are still on, particularly now that PJ has joined the team. It was exciting to see a passion for students and what God has in store for Liverpool.
All too soon it was time to get back on another train (October train count 15 trains, 2 trams and 2 buses). I'm next back in Liverpool on 8th November, if you'd like to meet with me then please get in touch here