Term started back in ernest last week once all the exams were over in Manchester, and SCM Manchester celebrated by watching Inside Out. It may be a 'kids' film but the themes and story can teach us all about how we respond and how a life can totally change who we are. I highly recommend it. This week we did some bible study and worship planning ready for Student Sunday on the 19th February.
I've also been out and about, up and down the North West recently. I attended communion on Candlemas at Salford, in their brand new chaplaincy centre, and I also met with Jesse from the Lighthouse Church, one of our newest Link Churches.
On Monday this week I went to visit Luther King House in Manchester to meet Clare and hear all about the Centre for Theology and Justice that is being launched this summer. More on that in the future, but it sounds very exciting so watch this space!
On Tuesday this week, I hosted an SCM Breakfast in Liverpool with Ruth W (SCM's Faith in Action Project Worker). We gathered together 21 people from across Liverpool, and had great conversations about student ministry and social action. You'll be able to find out more about that on the news pages, hopefully early next week. Then on Wednesday I spent the day in Chester. First I met with the Minister, Neil, at Wesley Methodist Church, followed by a great visit to Chester's Chaplaincy where I spoke to chaplains and students. During the worship I learned about their 'Night Church' too. The photo at the top of the blog is a cross that I found while exploring the Chester campus, and the chaplaincy centre itself looks like a house, and has a very homely feel to it.
When I've not been about and about I've been at my desk finalising the programme for Called to be... which is now online. So check it out, get booked in and bring your friends. Just one month to go!!! I've also made a poster and another facebook event for the Big Conversation in Liverpool on the 27th Feb -it would be great to meet some of you there!
Outside of work, I went to a Paul Field Concert with some people from my church on Sunday. One of his children's songs that I loved as a children's worker, is 'Up, down, turn around' and it feels like the sums up my last couple of weeks and probably the next few as well. If you would like to catch me the best thing to do is email me. Looking forward to hearing from you!