This week has been busy in a totally new way. There has been a lot less trains and a lot more time with students. Being based in the chaplaincy has meant I've worked on my soup pouring skills, trying not to get too much down the outside of the cups. I've staffed the stall, giving out postcards, coasters and going to uni guides, and I've not eaten all the cake while welcoming students to the city of Manchester.
Also this week I met with a vicar from one of the newest Manchester Link Churches, to see how we can work together in the future. I even remembered to plug Student Sunday in February!
The highlight of this week has been the launch of SCM Manchester for 2016-2017. Thirteen of us joined together on Thursday evening for pizza, beer and hymns. It was great to hear people's stories of why they were there and to sing a vast array of hymns. I did go home as they went off to the pub to continue conversations as I'd been on the go since 6:30 that morning due to an all-day team training event in Birmingham. As I write this I'm anticipating the Mandarin evening. I've been smelling the cooking while chatting to students at the chaplaincy for a "Church Search" event run by the local CUs, tomight is another opportunity to meet new students and talk about what SCM has to offer them.
If you are in the North West and would like me to help support your students please get in touch.